Well, except for these pictures of a cute little guy. Isn't it nice when kids are young enough that grandma's are still cool? I love it.
Evan feeding baby bear a bottle
A week ago I finished refurbishing a $2.99 chair from good*will for my granddaughter, Mariah. I didn't think to take a before shot but it was skinned up black with an old dirty seat cover that was definitely worse for wear.
I took way too many pictures of our crabapple trees during their blossom budding to opening stages and I loved it. I decided to make a slide show so enjoy but it may be a little long since I had a hard time cutting down to just a few.
"Those who plant their own seeds, water and tend their garden and share their bounty with others are good friends. Those who show other's how to plant and tend their own seeds will get to reap ALL that they sew." by RJM :)