Well, except for these pictures of a cute little guy. Isn't it nice when kids are young enough that grandma's are still cool? I love it.
Evan feeding baby bear a bottle
A week ago I finished refurbishing a $2.99 chair from good*will for my granddaughter, Mariah. I didn't think to take a before shot but it was skinned up black with an old dirty seat cover that was definitely worse for wear.
I took way too many pictures of our crabapple trees during their blossom budding to opening stages and I loved it. I decided to make a slide show so enjoy but it may be a little long since I had a hard time cutting down to just a few.
"Those who plant their own seeds, water and tend their garden and share their bounty with others are good friends. Those who show other's how to plant and tend their own seeds will get to reap ALL that they sew." by RJM :)
Hi Reva! Not sure what happened, but I've missed your posts for a while.
LOVE that photo of Evan! He is a doll.
what a neat thought about what your blog is all about>>.you lead the way for us>>>a real leader and teacher swoing seeds for us and your own family >>>you have been responsible for me to get to know amer and through her chirs and of course good old six eyes, brenda and their families>>.so way to go girl>>love the putysy putz
Is that a flowering or an edible crapapple tree? Whichever, it is beautiful.
Saw your comment to Putz. He's teasing readers with his spelling. A perfect speller he is w/a degree. I get a kick out of his antics. Looking forward getting into your block. and....can I have that little boy...I want him, the little doll
Ha,ha. look at my spelling! My touch is off a bit with these keys. Yep, I know how to spell also. crapapple means crabapple, block is blog. Sorry
Hi Reva,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm wondering if you are the Reva who is related to Brenda, from It's all Good?
The chair is great!!! I'm sure your granddaughter loves it. Have you ever made crabapple jelly? I had a crabapple tree when we lived in NM and I made the jelly one year. It was one of those, "I did that once!" kind of things because it was wayyyyy to much work for the small amount of jelly it made. It was surely good though!!
Loved your comment on my post about age. I so agree with you, Reva. Our Spirits are eternal and live forever. That's one reason why I can be 72 and yet still feel about 35-40 most of the time. Who am I kidding? Feel like 8 some days!!!
Love the picture of sharing sugar with your adorable grandson!
Cute chair!
Love the crabapple blossoms!
Good evening Reva, it was good to hear from you again..I love your post today.You and Evan are too cute getting a kiss together..a precious grandson..
The makeover of that darling chair for your granddaughter is a very special gift for a beautiful grand..
You had wonderful blooms on your Crab-apple tree ... love the pink color.I have added my name to follow your blog..hugs, Baba
anon, i liked the spelling crapapple much betterz, there is real meaning in miss spelled words and i intend to make the most of all the meaning miss spelling all i can before i leave this ole earth, who knows how soon?????
Reva, that chair looks adorable! You did a fabulous job giving it a new look.
Your tree pics are lovely. I have taken multiple photos of a drop of water standing on a leaf because each picture seems prettier than the one before and it captured my imagination. I totally get the multiple shot thing :)
Have a wonderful day!
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